This edition
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EBPF is getting popular and popular. In this talk I will reintroduce it, and will describe what is the state of the art and how we can leverage it to solve problems related to performance, security and networking.
During the past year as maintainer, I found a set of common patterns people new to Go keep missing. In this talk I put them together as a set of actionable items that will dramatically help Go developers in their clean code journey.
A "practical experience" talk on how we slowly converted several test suites scattered in different repositories in a productized container that allows customer to validate the deployment of their platform.
Grpc is known as an “Rpc framework”. What is less known is how it internally works and the fact that a lot of “advanced features” such as service discovery, retries, tracing are really easy to enable in the Go implementation. In this talk I will describe this less known features of Grpc.
Even if synchronous calls are the most popular way to communicate between distributed services, event based communication is a common alternative due to its advantages in terms of decoupling between producers and consumers.
As a part of our commitment to sustainability, we’re planting “Speaker’s trees” on behalf of our speakers. These trees represent our effort to offset the carbon emissions from their travel. By planting trees, we’re helping to reduce our carbon footprint and combat the effects of climate change. Join us in this symbolic act and help make our conference eco-friendly.